Eric Payne #1000800105

Assalamu alaikum. I'm a Muslim revert who used to be a christian pastor.

My story is a bit confusing and complicated, and I take full responsibility for my actions.

I'm seeking a pen pal who's interested in friendship that can develop into a marriage. I'm seeking a Muslimah, BUT my religion permits me to marry a christian woman since the Quran teaches that "the closest to a Muslim is a christian".

I'm a professional Fitness Trainer and a Martial Arts Expert (with over 30 years experience).

I've owned and operated my own businesses (Business Brokerage Firm; Fitness Centers; Car Washes, etc.) as well as managed and developed many.

I enjoy traveling (lived in FL, GA, CA, and MI); I love animals (especially dogs); I like to cook (and clean - especially the bathroom); I like to dine out as well as eat a home cooked meal; I'm driven to own my own businesses again with my new wife and leave something for our children and grandchildren.

I live by spontaneity; I love to have fun; I'm a thrill seeker who is open to new challenges.

I'm interested in connecting with a mature woman who's focus is on God, her husband, and her family ( in that order). I believe FULLY in the institution of marriage - "UNTIL DEATH DO WE PART".

Are you open to building a NEW life - "together "?

About Eric

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  • Date of birth: 03-22-1966
  • sexual orientation: straight
  • marital status: single
  • hometown: West Palm Beach, Florida

  • release date: 12-01-2027
  • incacerated since: 2022
  • crime: Possession of Cocaine
  • contact via: Jpay

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Eric Payne #1000800105

Georgia Diagnostics and Classification Prison GA

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