James Hinton #155320

My name is James Hinton III. I am hoping that I can meet some people to help me elevate and progress in my transition from prison to society. I have a strong will to further my education and I am always open-minded to positive activity. I love to read fantasy novels and anything that is non-fiction and I’m interested in learning something new. Real, genuine friendship, with strong communication, is what I’m seeking out of an individual through these trying times that I have.

I’ve had a lot of people claim to be friends of mine, but in reality, they were only just passing through a phase in my life. To be a true friend, in my opinion, is being there for someone showing them that you care and it all starts simply with staying in contact with that person.

Being in prison can be tough when you don’t have the support of somebody in your corner. Through my journey, I’ve grown into a man on my pathway to freedom mentally, physically, and spiritually. I am man enough to admit that I’ve made mistakes in my life and that I take full responsibility for my actions. With the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding I’ve obtained, I believe that I won’t put my life in the hands of the prison system again.

I’m appreciative of those who write to me and I’m looking forward to bonding with new people.

About James

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  • Date of birth: 06-16-1994
  • sexual orientation: straight
  • marital status: single
  • hometown: Little Rock

  • release date: 03-04-2025
  • incacerated since: 2014
  • crime: Aggravated Robbery, Theft, Possession of Defaced Firearm
  • contact via: Snailmail

Postal Address:

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James Hinton #155320

Varner Super Max

PO Box 600

Grady, AR 71644

United States

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Website: Varner Unit